Ecce Homo  1895-96

Ecce Homo 1895-96

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Baby's Visitors

Baby's Visitors

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A Winter Landscape at Sunset

A Winter Landscape at Sunset

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Storm at the Puszta 1867

Storm at the Puszta 1867

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  • Study to the Pawn Office 1873 74
  • Study
  • Mother and Child - Study for Christ before Pilate (Anya Gyermekkel- Tanulmany a Krisztus Pilatus elott cimu kephez)  1880
  • Condemned Cell (The Convict) 1869 72
  • La Brodeuse
  • Relaxing Lady
  • Sunset in the Forest
  • Making Lint (detail) 1871
  • Portrait of a Woman (Noi arckep)  1885
  • Portrait of Franz Liszt 1886